Nobody Likes Me

Nobody Likes Me

Peaceful Piranha is an innovator. Interestingly, Peaceful Piranha channels different dimensions of the universe in order to produce his brand of jazzy funky rap-rock. Every human is capable of channeling this. Beware, this is why NOBODY LIKES ME!

Why Does Nobody Like Me?

Nobody likes me because I am a white straight male. I am also not rich. People will use rich people for what they have. People will also use women for their beauty. I had nothing to offer growing up. My life was a struggle.

Maybe, I took things too personally. Problematically, I started building walls. The more you get knocked down, the tougher it should make you. The problem is I started to get angry. Anger only causes problems. That same anger causes you to push your friends away. People begin to hate you. You go from being unliked to being hated.

Nobody Likes Me, Nobody Cares

Stop complaining! Granted that this song is one giant complaint. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t make an important point. The point is to complain and reinforce the fact that nobody cares. When you complain, nobody cares.

Stop complaining and change your life! Change for the better. As humans, we must evolve and expand like gas. I have always been alone my whole life, and that is okay.

It is okay to be alone. Get used to that feeling of loneliness. That is what is going to happen if nobody likes you.

How Did I Write This Song?

I wrote the lyrics to “Nobody Likes Me” before I wrote the music. The variation of time is the foundation of the song. It goes from 5/4 to 4/4. When I wrote the lyrics, I sang it in an odd time signature. Bands like Tool, Mahavishnu Orchestra, and Primus have been paramount in the creation of this sound.

The dissonance to the resolution phenomenon astounds me. Dissonance is unsettling but pleasant. Once you resolve that dissonance, you hear beauty. The magic of music never ceases to impress me.

Studio One is my go-to DAW software. Unfortunately, I took down the first version that I made of this song. The vocals were too loud, and I didn’t like the way I sang it originally. So, I took it down, re-recorded it, and re-released it. This time, I was happier with the results.

Lyrics to Nobody Likes Me

Nobody likes me, It’s pretty clear to see.
Nobody likes me, I was never meant to be.
Nobody likes me, and nobody cares.
I’m standing all alone and talking to the air.

My girl left me for another man,
She couldn’t see me in her future plans.
I’m the kind of person that no one can stand.
I approach a group of people and they all ran.
Everywhere I go, I get banned.
I don’t have one single adoring fan.

My mom said, “Get a better job,”
You look like a mess and you dress like a slob.
You need to lose some weight because you look like the blob.
The world will eat you up like corn on the cob.
Who cares if no one likes you?
Who cares if you are alone?
That’s how life goes when you’re poor and fully grown.
That’s how life goes when you’re weird and unknown.

Nobody likes me, It’s pretty clear to see.
Nobody likes me, I was never meant to be.
Nobody likes me, and nobody cares.
I’m standing all alone and talking to the air.

I try to have some flair, but I just get stares.
I try to work my ass off, but it goes nowhere.
I try to fix myself, but I always need repairs.
I try to do my best, but I need professional care.

Nobody wants me, I’m worse than C.O.V.I.D.
Nobody wants me, I’m worse than HIV!
NOBODY wants me, I’m worse than herpes.
I’m going to die lonely!

Where can I find NOBODY LIKES ME?


